We wake up at the White Boss's crib and find out that Ana cheated on her husband with the guitar player. After a some sugaslim weed we bounce to a diner and run into more ICP kids and supposedly the word on the streets is that we were the new drug dealers for the bums and squaters and general scumbags of the area. We drank coffee, sold some more shit weed and got the fuck outta there. We stopped by some salvation army to steal some much needed comic books. We stopped at Burnside skatepark and met some herbs who said we could sleep at their friend's house so we took their number, went to pick up Soren then headed to the bluff.
We drink, we smoke and we listen to G Love E and overlook the city of Portland. Then we head to the place where we're supposed to crash.
I don't easlily feel awkward but stepping into this house made me feel a little uneasy. The herb kids took us to a house filled with hippies. The dirty, unshaven, vegan, dreaded out with the name Trinity kind of hippy as well. We bought beer and decided to have fun with it which we surely did.
The topic of conversation they were having involved the next door neighbor and how she flips out all the time which I could understand considering what she probably deals with living next to a fucking compost pile of a home. One of the patrons of the compost, said she was going to cast a spell on her but in the most extremely serious way so I didn't laugh that hard. It was upsetting because this girl could've looked fairly decent under the dreads, dirt and armpit hair. Her name was Isis. We watched Tubesteak vids and eventually felt comfortable enough to be the standard New York asshole kids that would inevitably piss any conservative hippy off.
the herbs
Then a dude who was hiding in his room the entire time stormed into the living room wearing a skirt over his raggedy jeans and starts going crazy on us. He told me he "hoped you hear that fuck you for that sexist comment you said". Me and Danelm looked at each other in shock and mystery from not only this crazy dude in a skirt yelling in a hippy commune, we had no fucking idea what he was talking about. No one did. He pouted back to his room and started throwing shit around, breaking shit pretty much going insane , it was great.
After that the neighbor came over buggin'. She was pretty heated about the increase of the noise and kept going on about how she was 60 years old and how much her life sucked living next to hippies. I empathized.
All that shit killed my mood so after getting my health checked out by one of the hippys, i went outside, sat on the porch and smoked weed until the morning.
During the day we drove around but I passed out because I stayed up all night being blunt by myself. I woke up parked outside of a bar. The bar that night was exclusively punks, deaf people and bull dykes.
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