Wednesday, October 20, 2010

West Coast Adventure pt. 1

flew out to seattle to help a friend, Ana, tour down the coast and play drums in her band. I met up with her and DanElm who was to play bass out there. I haven't played drums in about ten years playing Operation Ivy and Minor Threat covers in my basement.

Seattle is hella gloomy, i like it

we got hooked up with hella weed by this chick who let us crash and i became a pothead again and i'm saying hella

One of Ana's friends is a drunk. She finished a liter of vodka and this is her at 11 am ready to crack another

This is the flyer of our first show with White Boss and they fuckin fule. I'll post a vid of them live later I guess, some epic stoner metal shit

on the way to the show me and dan get pulled over for him J walking and me pissing in the street. He said "You come to my town and this is what you do to it?" We were in Olympia, WA...the capitol......chill buddy. Olympia is cool btw...... we got free food from food banks saw actual Jugalos, sold bud for change, met an 11 year old Jugalo kid looking for "oxycodones" and had a good conversation on ICP's - Miracles and how intelligent it is then he bought weed off of us for like 3 dollars or some crazy shit

we get to the show, which is a huge house party in like some ewok tree house type shit and drink and smoke and sell a bunch the shitty sugaslim weed handfulls at a time for like 10 bucks then we play after we've never practiced nor heard any of the songs that she wrote. whatever... it sucked in the best way possible and me and danelm played filet-o-fish by mcdonalds. we then got more drunk and stoned, bothered people , listened to other bands , stole an Inepsy patch

I felt dusted at the end of the night so me and danelm walked thru the woods in the pitch black night, came out and made our way to a random party and ate all of there food then found a place to sleep a block away and watched anime and passed out

next stop was Portland OR to surprise Soren

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