Tuesday, November 9, 2010

quotes of the Moment pt. 2

how can i forget the best quote of all time!?!?!?

"If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery--isolation. Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And, you'll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds. And it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is."
Charles Bukowski

the best. quote. of all time.

Quotes of the Moment

Life is pain - Nads via Tanner

A pill doesn't care if you eat or not,, so I starved that day - Dakota via Intervention

With incredible highs comes incredible lows- IDK

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

West Coast Adventure pt. 2

We wake up at the White Boss's crib and find out that Ana cheated on her husband with the guitar player. After a some sugaslim weed we bounce to a diner and run into more ICP kids and supposedly the word on the streets is that we were the new drug dealers for the bums and squaters and general scumbags of the area. We drank coffee, sold some more shit weed and got the fuck outta there. We stopped by some salvation army to steal some much needed comic books. We stopped at Burnside skatepark and met some herbs who said we could sleep at their friend's house so we took their number, went to pick up Soren then headed to the bluff.

We drink, we smoke and we listen to G Love E and overlook the city of Portland. Then we head to the place where we're supposed to crash.

I don't easlily feel awkward but stepping into this house made me feel a little uneasy. The herb kids took us to a house filled with hippies. The dirty, unshaven, vegan, dreaded out with the name Trinity kind of hippy as well. We bought beer and decided to have fun with it which we surely did.

The topic of conversation they were having involved the next door neighbor and how she flips out all the time which I could understand considering what she probably deals with living next to a fucking compost pile of a home. One of the patrons of the compost, said she was going to cast a spell on her but in the most extremely serious way so I didn't laugh that hard. It was upsetting because this girl could've looked fairly decent under the dreads, dirt and armpit hair. Her name was Isis. We watched Tubesteak vids and eventually felt comfortable enough to be the standard New York asshole kids that would inevitably piss any conservative hippy off.

the herbs

Then a dude who was hiding in his room the entire time stormed into the living room wearing a skirt over his raggedy jeans and starts going crazy on us. He told me he "hoped you hear that fuck you for that sexist comment you said". Me and Danelm looked at each other in shock and mystery from not only this crazy dude in a skirt yelling in a hippy commune, we had no fucking idea what he was talking about. No one did. He pouted back to his room and started throwing shit around, breaking shit pretty much going insane , it was great.

After that the neighbor came over buggin'. She was pretty heated about the increase of the noise and kept going on about how she was 60 years old and how much her life sucked living next to hippies. I empathized.

supposedly this hippy dude looked like me

All that shit killed my mood so after getting my health checked out by one of the hippys, i went outside, sat on the porch and smoked weed until the morning.

During the day we drove around but I passed out because I stayed up all night being blunt by myself. I woke up parked outside of a bar. The bar that night was exclusively punks, deaf people and bull dykes.

Friday, October 29, 2010

that ramone

More on that when I make it to Cali,, Ramona Flowers is coming to New York

how assholes ride bikes

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Jersey City beats of the dog

the Kafka, aka Earl Grey,, i fucken came up with this dude out in jersey..,, i think,, i cant reallly take credit for it , but i think i got him into rapppping and all that dumb shit and now hes killing it,, i have a video of us freestyling with our shirts off in high school , mad gay and shit,, but he has really really been killing it as of late and he just showed me this beat he made and its sick ,, check out his stuff... shout out to 201 crew , holla atcha boy



being blunt and gangsta, simultaneously

T shirt time

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

West Coast Adventure pt. 1

flew out to seattle to help a friend, Ana, tour down the coast and play drums in her band. I met up with her and DanElm who was to play bass out there. I haven't played drums in about ten years playing Operation Ivy and Minor Threat covers in my basement.

Seattle is hella gloomy, i like it

we got hooked up with hella weed by this chick who let us crash and i became a pothead again and i'm saying hella

One of Ana's friends is a drunk. She finished a liter of vodka and this is her at 11 am ready to crack another

This is the flyer of our first show with White Boss and they fuckin fule. I'll post a vid of them live later I guess, some epic stoner metal shit

on the way to the show me and dan get pulled over for him J walking and me pissing in the street. He said "You come to my town and this is what you do to it?" We were in Olympia, WA...the capitol......chill buddy. Olympia is cool btw...... we got free food from food banks saw actual Jugalos, sold bud for change, met an 11 year old Jugalo kid looking for "oxycodones" and had a good conversation on ICP's - Miracles and how intelligent it is then he bought weed off of us for like 3 dollars or some crazy shit

we get to the show, which is a huge house party in like some ewok tree house type shit and drink and smoke and sell a bunch the shitty sugaslim weed handfulls at a time for like 10 bucks then we play after we've never practiced nor heard any of the songs that she wrote. whatever... it sucked in the best way possible and me and danelm played filet-o-fish by mcdonalds. we then got more drunk and stoned, bothered people , listened to other bands , stole an Inepsy patch

I felt dusted at the end of the night so me and danelm walked thru the woods in the pitch black night, came out and made our way to a random party and ate all of there food then found a place to sleep a block away and watched anime and passed out

next stop was Portland OR to surprise Soren

im lonely, or some crazy shit

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


the video sucks on my blog thing


just go here it looks retarded posted on this fuckin thing,,,,,, j christ,, no more vids until i work out the "kinks" umm photos

A Night in the Life of the Working sugaslim

I work at san loco now on st marks and the lower east side,,, come say hi ,,

Friday, October 8, 2010

Love is love

Mcfluff came over yesterday and told me to follow my heart in life...

stolen from


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mouse Walk

Maark (left) holds the fuckin bag!!!!!!!!!!!!! he loves the micee

not the b mice

Thursday, September 30, 2010


after watching this PSA, we had to make a remake.

Monday, September 20, 2010

best of Summer pt. 3

next is cali shit, i guesss

Friday, September 10, 2010

G Love E- Chillin On the G Spot

My friend's father owned a record store until it went out of business. In her house are left over tapes that didn't sell. This was one of the tapes.

I first heard this on a bluff in Portland, OR, overlooking the city and my golly.. its a banger. Its early 90's dance party rap at its best full of vocoders, smooth synths, heavy bass lines and great hooks.

I scoured the internet looking for this album with no success so I ordered it online for the total of $2.44, including shipping. Pretty played I must say on G Love's credibility and success but whatever.

I received the album and went immediately over to my friend's house to get blunted, listen to the album and play Super Mario Brothers. We listened to the album 2 times in a row laughing dancing and dissecting some of the amazing lines that G Love thought up. "Now when I go to a club, I don't go just for dancing/ I go to take my pick of the girls who might be glancing". Operative word in this is might...MIGHT be glancing. So if G Love catches you at the club and he thinks you might have glanced at him from across the floor, he's probably gonna confront you about it. What a charmer.

The song "Fly" is about a fly thats in his house and he can't get rid of it so he shoots his gun at it reminding me of Beavis and Butthead. "Step to it" has one of the most feel good melodies I've heard in quite some time utilizing a 16 bit bassline which made playing Super Mario more legit. "Don't Talk About It" sends out a really positive message about acquiring your goals over a really corny R&B voice reminiscent of Tony Toni Tone. It is very inspiring in truth after watching this. Ultimately, G Love E is the man. He is diverse; he can rap, he can sing, he can be a little bit gangsta, he can inspire, he can charm your girl and he will make you mad that you or anyone you know has never bought/heard this album.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

some vid shit

workin on some vids in the meantime,, just got some really hard to find albums the past few weeks so i'm gonna be uploading those tooo...



Sunday, September 5, 2010